just let loose its 2023 limited edition chile pepper calendar. Not only does it have pepper porn for your eyes, it also packs plenty of recipes for you to get your heat on.
Chile Chocolate Pecan Pie
Although mild to the taste, the flavor of the chile really comes through in this chocolate pecan pie.
Dude, Seriously Launches World’s First Hot Sauce Vending Machine
Dude, Seriously LLC, the company that created the multi award-winning “Dude, Seriously Hot Sauce,” launches the world’s first hot sauce vending machine.
Chile-Grilled Scallops with Coconut Mint Chutney
The chutney is a nice and spicy accompaniment to the creamy taste of the scallops. We love habanero chiles in it, but use a serrano for less heat and a slightly different flavor.
How Do I Make a Chile Ristra?
The ristra, or chile string, is the oldest and also the most attractive method for drying peppers, and it is still customary in many chile-producing countries.
Why Super Hot Peppers Get So Hot
Apparently, the reason superhots make so much more fire than jalapenos or habaneros is because they’re OCD. According to research at the Chile Pepper Institute at New Mexico State University, the main difference between the two groups of chiles is that superhots maximize their interior space. Much like how my roommate in college Tetris’ed everything in the apartment neatly into its own little storage compartment.
Pickling Peppers: 7 Commandments
The temperate climate and abundant sun where I live give me multiple harvests during a growing season. With 16 plants across four species, I have hundreds of peppers coming in. Pickling them is a terrific way to preserve them. Here are 7 basic rules you want to know for pickling your own.