Are you planning on entering the 2014 Scovie Awards but are just waiting for the deadline to come around? Well, wait no longer because we have a couple of rewards for you if you enter before August 10th.
The Scovies: Help Us, Help You
Now in their 18th year, the Scovie Awards have helped out a lot of fiery foods and barbecue companies gain the recognition they deserve. That’s never a bad thing when you’re trying to get the word out about your great products. Lusty Monk Mustard won the 2013 Grand Prize after 8 years of entering, and winning no awards at all …
Scovie Holiday Special Deadline Looms
Hi, folks, if you want to get in on our Holiday Special for the 2014 Scovies, you’ve only got until midnight of July 13 to make that happen. If you buy a booth in the National Fiery Foods & BBQ Show, you get a free Scovie entry ($90 value)!
2014 Scovie Holiday Special
Holiday Special! From now until July 13, buy a booth in the National Fiery Foods & BBQ Show and get a free Scovie entry ($90 value)! Here’s how
2014 Scovies: Last Flight of the Early Bird
Save $10 per entry by taking advantage of the Early Bird Special! Provided you get your entry in on time, of course. The Early Bird deadline ends tonight at midnight. Will you make it?
Last Chance for Scovie’s Early Bird ends Friday at Midnight
Save $10 per entry by taking advantage of the Early Bird Special! Provided you get your entry in on time, of course. The Early Bird deadline ends Friday at midnight. Will you make it?
Scovie 2014 Early Bird Special Ends June 21!
Save $10 per entry by taking advantage of the Early Bird Special! Provided you get your entry in on time, of course. The Early Bird deadlin ends in a week. Will you make it?