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Panpepato (Spicy Chocolate-flavored Christmas Bread)

In Dessert, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

The turkey’s gone, the stupidity that is Black Friday is behind us, and now we’re on to Christmas. Your food options are a little more freestyle than Thanksgiving’s now. If you’re looking to get away from ham, geese, and mashed potatoes, how about going Italian? Dave DeWitt ran a whole Italy-style holiday feast in this feature story, and this Panpepato (Spicy Chocolate-flavored Christmas Bread) recipe was just one of the wonderful options from which to choose.

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Serrano Ginger Cranberry Chutney

In Chile Peppers, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes, Spicy Side Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

For me, canned cranberry sauce is the Jar Jar Binks of the Thanksgiving universe. Annoying and mostly unnecessary, it’s mostly there to entertain small children. It doesn’t have to be that way, folks. You don’t have to suffer through it, as Nancy Gerlach showed us with this serrano ginger cranberry chutney recipe she hipped us to in her Spiced-Up Thanksgiving Trimmings story.

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Alabama-style White BBQ Sauce

In BBQ - Grilling - Smoking, Recipes by Mike StinesLeave a Comment

White BBQ sauce is unique… there are no tomatoes in the sauce. It’s a mayonnaise-based sauce, made tangy with the addition of vinegar, horseradish and mustard. Offered in most every BBQ restaurant in North Alabama, the sauce is eaten with everything from French fries to chicken and ribs. The unique, tangy flavor is the perfect complement to just about everything. Without the Internet, it would be pretty much unheard of outside of North Alabama.

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Elevate Portable Grill: Burn! Tested

In Gadgets & Tech, Stories by Mike StinesLeave a Comment

I have a lot of grills and smokers – I mean really a lot. I recently received something new that I didn’t have: a portable “Elevate Grill” by PointElevate. I’ve used the throw-away kind (the one that looks like a large aluminum turkey pan that is pre-filled with charcoal) at the pond for an impromptu cookout but the Elevate Grill is a real grill with two cooking surfaces powered by a small propane tank.