Recipe: Smoked Pumpkin Chili

In Chili & Soup, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes, Veggies by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

I also raised sugar pumpkins from seed, coaxing a dozen good ones from some top soil in the Los Angeles heat. There’s plenty more harvesting to be done, but if the early Halloween candy at my supermarket is any indication, fall is looming just up ahead. That’s why my first experiment with all this bounty is smoked pumpkin chili.

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Iced Heat: Freezing Chiles

In Cooking Guide by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

Freezing chiles is an excellent way of preserving them. Chiles that have been frozen retain all the characteristics of fresh chiles except for their texture. Since the individual cell walls have been ruptured by the freezing of the water within each cell, the chiles will lose their crisp texture.

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Call of Cthulhu: Giant Isopod Soup

In Chili & Soup, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Twisted individual that he is, Dave DeWitt emailed me a link to this story about a 2.5-foot giant isopod that was reeled in while trying to violate an underwater robot. I’m sure he was trying to shock me but the joke’s on him. I’ve played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons. My 20th level paladin slays demons like this for breakfast.
Speaking of, it turns out these Cthulhu-looking sea creatures are related to lobsters and shrimp to the point where you can eat them.