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Fiery Foods Bookazine by Dave DeWitt Now Available!

In Hot News, News by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

My latest publication, entitled “Popular Plates: Fiery Foods” is now available on all the major newsstands in the U.S., including Barnes & Noble, Home Depot, Borders, Costco–all the big box stores.  The publisher, Source Interlink Media has printed 200,000 copies, which is by far the largest print run of any of my publications. Essentially, this is a book in magazine …

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For Carnivores Only: The Meating Place of Smoke & Spice

In History, Stories by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt and Nancy Gerlach The first outdoor cook to use chile peppers during a barbecue was Jaguar Claw, a somewhat hen-pecked paleo-Native American who lived in the Amazon Basin about 20,000 years ago. He had dispatched his prey with his spear, had butchered the world’s largest rodent with his new flint carving knife into chunks, and was contemplating …

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Dave DeWitt’s Chile Podcasts Continue

In Interviews, Stories by Lois Manno1 Comment

Hey all you folks out there in what passes these days for Radio Land! The Pope of Peppers has a new installment of his his weekly podcast: an interview with chilehead and entrepreneur Harald Zoschke, who founded Germany’s first retail store for lovers of fiery foods. Check out the free podcast here. Dave’s other podcast guests have included such hot …

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Battle for the World’s Hottest Record Continues

In Chile Peppers, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Whenever someone tries to lay claim to the biggest, best, or most intense record for pretty much anything, they run the risk of being challenged. When the subject is the world’s hottest pepper, the stakes are high, both monetarily and in terms of publicity. If you’ve ever dealt with chileheads, they can be every bit as fanatical and obsessed about …

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Dave’s Chile Podcast Series Continues with the God of Capsaicin

In History, Stories by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

With new superhot chiles emerging in what seems like every other month, the coveted title of “Hottest Chile” is up for grabs once again. But who is the best judge of a superhot, anyway? Chemical engineer and capsaicin expert Marlin Bensinger doesn’t think that the Guinness World Records people are qualified to make the call.  Dave DeWitt hears him out …

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Dave’s Chile Podcasts To Begin

In Chile Peppers, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Sunbelt Shows, Inc., owner of Burn! Magazine and the Fiery Foods & Barbecue SuperSite, has announced the launch of Dave DeWitt’s Chile Podcasts, a weekly audio show that features interviews with the top leaders and characters in the fiery foods and barbecue industries.  The theme of the first series of three podcasts is “SuperHot” and features interviews with James Beck …

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Now Available: The New Issue of Burn!

In Chile Peppers, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Hey all you lovers of peppers, smoke, and sauce, the new issue of Burn! Magazine is on the virtual newsstand and ready for reading. I hope you’ll enjoy the newest issue. It’s chock full of great information like a how-to for making your own pastrami, an article all about salsa, recipes for Cinco de Mayo, a recap of the 2011 …