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Bradley’s 2-Rack Compact Smoker: Review

In Gadgets & Tech, Reviews by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Over the last year, I’ve been test driving Bradley’s 2-rack Compact Convection Smoker. Being an apartment dweller in a huge city, the idea of an electric smoker the size of a microwave oven sounded like a winner. No big bags of briquets to store, no propane bottles to deal with, just plug it in, heat it up, and let it do its thing.

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6 Smoked Turducken Tips

In BBQ - Grilling - Smoking, Chicken, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

About a week ago, I received this question from reader Dave Dorey: “Hi. I read your blog on how to smoke a turducken. Can you let me know at what temp. you ran your smoker at? Did you alter your temp at any time as well?”

In about a week, we’ll all be under the gun after Halloween, working on Thanksgiving. Dave’s question inspired me to put together some tips for anyone looking to smoke a turducken this year.

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Gourdenstein: How to Make Smoked Pumpkin

In BBQ - Grilling - Smoking, Cooking Guide, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

I’ve smoked Gourdzilla, normal-sized carving pumpkins, and, of course, sugar pumpkins. Which, by the way, work the best of the three. Sugar pumpkins are the ones used for pumpkin pie, have plenty of seeds in them, and they smoke a lot more thoroughly due to their small size. Every Halloween I try something new with the finished pumpkin. The results have generally been good and I’ll share the old and new concoctions each week leading up to Halloween.

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5 Great Articles for Fledgling Barbecue Smokers

In Cooking Guide, Product Reviews, Recipes, Reviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Over the years Dave DeWitt has collected more hot and spicy stories than a Las Vegas escort service. That’s part of being the Pope of Peppers– you don’t get to wear the name without learning a ton about chile peppers, capsaicin, and, in this case, smoke cooking. Although a lot of Dave’s knowledge makes it into his books, there’s great advice to be had at the Fiery Foods & Barbecue Super Site. Here are just five of the ones good for anyone new (or intermediate) to the sweet art of smoke.