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Kung Pao Chocolate

In Product Reviews, Reviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

I like the concept of crowdfunding but I hate the name. It’s too PC for me. “Guerilla financing” just sounds more revolutionary if not not outright dangerous.

Speaking of which, Kung Pao Chocolate Bars has started an Indiegogo campaign to launch the release of its first 10,000 candy bars. They’re a new confection that brings sweet milk chocolate together with a proprietary blend of chile and spices that to make an awesome candy bar.

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Pre-Tex-Mex Cuisine

In History by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Well before there was actual Tex-Mex cuisine, people near what is now Austin ate a lot of the same foods with similar basic tools. They were hungry and couldn’t wait the 15,000-ish years for there to be a Texas or a Mexico to invent Tex-Mex eats.