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Are Chile Peppers Linked to Testosterone?

In Science, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Culinary peacocking makes up at least half of any chile pepper event. Not just in the traditional clothing sense, though. We men love to show our food machismo by eating food hot enough to melt your ex’s heart. Now, a study from the University of Grenoble may have confirmed what most of us already knew: the guys who eat the hottest peppers have the highest testosterone levels.

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Fire and Ice Hot Cocoa

In Alcoholic, Beverages, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Because of all the hot and spicy liquor I taste here at the Burn! Blog, I often keep a mental note of cocktail recipes I can try in the future with these flavors. Other times, a liquor arrives at my home bar and I know exactly what do mix it with.

This month, I have one of each, combined with a traditional holiday drink, though at odds with each other in their flavors. I’m calling them Fire and Ice, based on my wife’s description of these cocoas flavors.