Sony Pictures showed less spine than an earthworm convention when it cancelled the release of The Interview but BBQ and Brew in Baltimore gave its own little middle finger to North Korean dictator and joyless troll king Kim Jong-un.
Are Chile Peppers Linked to Testosterone?
Culinary peacocking makes up at least half of any chile pepper event. Not just in the traditional clothing sense, though. We men love to show our food machismo by eating food hot enough to melt your ex’s heart. Now, a study from the University of Grenoble may have confirmed what most of us already knew: the guys who eat the hottest peppers have the highest testosterone levels.
Fire and Ice Hot Cocoa
Because of all the hot and spicy liquor I taste here at the Burn! Blog, I often keep a mental note of cocktail recipes I can try in the future with these flavors. Other times, a liquor arrives at my home bar and I know exactly what do mix it with.
This month, I have one of each, combined with a traditional holiday drink, though at odds with each other in their flavors. I’m calling them Fire and Ice, based on my wife’s description of these cocoas flavors.
Garlic Chili for Christmas Dinner? Well, Maybe…
So, for all you chile wimps laboring under the delusion that the chiles make the chili we’ve got one to share with you in honor of Garlic Festivals everywhere.
The Complete Chile Pepper Book Trailer
Complete Chile Pepper Book now in paperback. Watch the video…
Christmas Food Coverage on the SuperSite, Part Two
Continuing our Christmas food coverage, here are two more articles of interest…
Christmas Food Coverage on the SuperSite
We have quite a number of unique holiday articles on the SuperSite that I’m going to tell you about, so here are the first two.