The BBQ Guru’s Bob Trudnak and I have played phone tag for an interview for years. This is mostly my fault but we finally nailed down a Q&A session earlier this week. He’s the main man for The BBQ Guru’s competition team and I asked him about moving into barbecue, what he likes to make, and his plans for getting into the World Food Championships so he can add a second WFC rib win to his belt.
3 Great Articles to Spice Up Spring
I’m still coming off of the high from the Fiery Foods Show. For me, it marks the start of spring and gets me amped for all the tacos, barbecue, and other outdoor eating in the months to come. Here are a few of my favorite articles from our Supersite that I go to when this mood kicks in.
EPA Aims at Backyard Barbecues
Our Environmental Protection Agency is looking at pollution from backyard barbecues. It’s footing the bill for a University of California–Riverside study to limit emissions from grease drippings. The idea is to catch the drippings in a special tray and something called a catalytic filtration system.
Hot Sauce Nabs Brain Tumor
Eating a Carolina Reaper hot sauce always gets a reaction. Tearing, life flashing before your eyes, and a sudden hankering for Pepto and ice cream are my go-to’s. In this case, however, a reaper sauce detected a brain tumor via seizure.
Fiery Foods Instagram Winners Announced!
Congratulations #FieryFoodsShow Instagram Photo Contest Winners! Out of the hundreds of photos taken during the show, we’ve chosen the top 6. It was really hard to choose! Thank you so much for participating in our first ever social media contest. Think we should do this contest again next year? Let us know.
2015 Fiery Foods Show: Post-Game Wrap Up
Much like Godzilla, the National Fiery Foods Show has gone back to sleep after wreaking a little havoc. Both show up briefly, set things ablaze, and then leave. Both take place in cities with great food. Both have made at least 26 appearances.
Cinder: aka, Robochef
If you’re the sort of person who likes perfectly cooked food but aren’t willing to work for it at home, Cinder may be the droid you’re looking for. It’s what happens when a smart phone mates with a George Foreman grill. Minus the post-coital robocuddling, naturally. Cinder essentially gives cooks computer-precise control over their food.