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The BBQ Guru’s Bob Trudnak: Interview

In Gadgets & Tech, Interviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

The BBQ Guru’s Bob Trudnak and I have played phone tag for an interview for years. This is mostly my fault but we finally nailed down a Q&A session earlier this week. He’s the main man for The BBQ Guru’s competition team and I asked him about moving into barbecue, what he likes to make, and his plans for getting into the World Food Championships so he can add a second WFC rib win to his belt.

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EPA Aims at Backyard Barbecues

In BBQ, News, Science, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Our Environmental Protection Agency is looking at pollution from backyard barbecues. It’s footing the bill for a University of California–Riverside study to limit emissions from grease drippings. The idea is to catch the drippings in a special tray and something called a catalytic filtration system.

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Cinder: aka, Robochef

In Science, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

If you’re the sort of person who likes perfectly cooked food but aren’t willing to work for it at home, Cinder may be the droid you’re looking for. It’s what happens when a smart phone mates with a George Foreman grill. Minus the post-coital robocuddling, naturally. Cinder essentially gives cooks computer-precise control over their food.