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La Dolce Vita en Bardolino

In Travel by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

For the past few days we have been staying with our good friends Harald and Renate Zosche in their house beside Lake Garda in Bardolino, Italy. Here are some of the delicacies we’ve been indulging in. More goodies in next week’s newsletter. Ciao!

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Grilling With Liquor for Beginners

In Cooking Guide, Recipes by Greg MaysLeave a Comment

As I began to grill myself in my younger years, I encountered folks who had their own unique ways of using liquor to jazz up the meats they cooked. Still, many people never even bother trying to marinate, or otherwise beef up their….beef. So I thought I’d give 3 ways to marinating your meats with Grandpa’s Cough Medicine of various sorts, for a similar cost as your usual marinades.