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The 2011 Disc-It Round Up

In Event Coverage, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

As three-year-olds go, the Disc-It Round Up is pretty developed and well-behaved. It’s an event the folks at Disc-It started in 2009 as their way of giving back to UNM Children’s Hospital for all the care that Disc-It front man Nevin Montano’s daughter and nephew received in the past. Round Up year one saw 350 attendees; that number ballooned to …

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Featured Recipe: Chorizo Bacon Rub

In BBQ - Grilling - Smoking, Pork, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

What could be better in a breakfast burrito than chorizo-flavored bacon? One of the stars of our April issue is bacon, as we share a great how-to article about homemade bacon. I know this sounds daunting, but Mark Masker’s easy illustrated directions will have you dabbling in the tasty art of charcuterie before you can say “pork belly.” 2 tablespoons …