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Serrano Ginger Cranberry Chutney

In Chile Peppers, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes, Spicy Side Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

For me, canned cranberry sauce is the Jar Jar Binks of the Thanksgiving universe. Annoying and mostly unnecessary, it’s mostly there to entertain small children. It doesn’t have to be that way, folks. You don’t have to suffer through it, as Nancy Gerlach showed us with this serrano ginger cranberry chutney recipe she hipped us to in her Spiced-Up Thanksgiving Trimmings story.

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Mole: Turkey in Chocolate Chile Sauce

In Chile Peppers, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes, Spicy Main Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

If you want your Thanksgiving bird to be a stand-out, try Mole Poblano de Guajolote (aka Turkey in Chocolate Chile Sauce). It’s just one of the great Mexicanized Thanksgiving ideas she put forth in this article at our main site. Although this recipe is for sliced poultry and only serves 4-6 people, I’m sure you can do the math and scale it up if need be.

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Mole Poblano de Guajolote (Turkey in Chocolate Chile Sauce)

In Chile Peppers, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes, Spicy Main Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

In an 1870s cookbook from Puebla there were recipes for 44 different moles but only one, Mole Poblano de Guajolote, or turkey in mole sauce, is called the National Dish of Mexico. This mole has descended from an Aztec chilemolli dish and although it’s called poblano, it doesn’t contain any poblano chiles. In this case poblano refers to the people of Puebla, birthplace of this dish. For an authentic taste, lard is used, but if that’s offensive to you, substitute vegetable oil. Also, Mexican chocolate can be used, but if you do, be sure to eliminate the cinnamon from the recipe.

Pickled Habaneros

In Chile Peppers, Gardening, Recipes, Veggies by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

I have a habanero problem. Not the normal addiction issue (although I do loves myself some hab). My dilemma involves gardening. I have more habanero peppers than I know what to do with. With Christmas rounding third base and heading for home, I’m pickling a bunch of them as gifts. Here’s the recipe I’m using from our sister site, Fiery Foods and Barbecue Central.