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Basic BBQ Brisket How-To

In BBQ - Grilling - Smoking, Beef, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Barbecued brisket isn’t something to be taken lightly. Often, sure. Lightly, no. Perfect brisket will make you leave your spouse for it. It’s that serious. Let Fiery Foods Central’s Brisket: The King of Texas is a great starting point for smoking brisket the right way. If you’re feeling too lazy to reach all the way over to your mouse and follow the link, take a short cut and scroll down for a recipe excerpt on making terrific brisket on the smoker. Cooking brisket is not something done after coming home from work but is a great weekend cooking project.

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Southwestern Roasted Turkey with Green Chile Piñon Dressing

In Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Red and green being the go-to colors of Christmas, bringing them to the dinner table for the holiday is a no-brainer. Colorizing your turkey with them can be an interesting exercise. It’s not hard to dress a dead bird in edible flora and call it a day. We’re not all about easy, though. At least, not when it comes to food. This holiday, try out this Southwestern Roasted Turkey with Green Chile Pinon Dressing and some of these other red and green recipes at your table.

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Green Chile-Cilantro Pesto

In Chile Peppers, Hot Sauces, Recipes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Of course we have our own New Mexican version of pesto! It’s a topping for pasta but also can be added to soups, stews, and rice. Although we have specified cilantro in this recipes, you can use the traditional basil or even Italian parsley. Pecans, another New Mexican crop, can be substituted for the piñon nuts.

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Star Wars: The Grill Awakens

In Gadgets & Tech, Holiday & Seasonal by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

In nine days, Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits movie theaters, hoping to avenge the accidental tragicomedy known as the prequels. People are flocking to theaters to see it. If, like me, you’re one of them, consider a tailgate party near the theater, complete with all this Darth Vader grilling gear I found for you on Just make sure mom doesn’t find it in the basement. We both know she’ll throw it all out like she did my old toy Millenium Falcon after I left for college. Which is now worth a fortune. That I don’t have. Because someone threw it out.

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Oven-roasted Potatoes Sprinkled with Rosemary, Garlic, and Peperoncino Powder

In Chile Peppers, Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes, Spicy Side Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Potatoes are an industry standard when it comes to holiday cooking. They’re the bricks for building comfort food. Whipping up good mashed spuds isn’t exactly quantum physics. Transforming them into something special to be remembered, though, well, there’s a touch of art to that. Or you can use this Italian oven-roasted version from our Italian holiday feast feature.