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James Wreck Sets Fire to Houston with iBurn

In Interviews, Stories by Lois Manno2 Comments

I recently visited the Houston, TX studio of Eat More Heat, where James Wreck and his trusty sidekick David Martin produce a weekly live video program focusing on spicy product reviews, with a generous helping of irreverent humor. James shared his plans for a brand new hot shop he’s going to open, called iBurn!

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Dave DeWitt on Cookstr

In Chile Peppers, Recipes, Spicy Main Dishes by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

While you’re there, take a look around. Cookstr does a great job of organizing some of the best cookbooks in the world and giving you quick access to their recipes on one easily searchable website. You can look recipes up by chef, ingredient, or recipe title. Each recipe also has stats for difficulty, prep time, and relative cost, to boot. The nutritional breakdown listed with the recipes is great information. It will not, however, assuage your guilt when you overindulge. You’ll just have to suck that up on your own, cupcake.