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Hot News

In Hot News, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

This week’s news has a bit of a personal note. Two of our Supersite alumni made the news for barbecue recently: Ray Lampe, and George Hensler. Other than that, we found what may be the least heart-healthy hangover treatment on Earth. Read on.

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Hot News

In Hot News, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Memorial Day sits in our rear view mirror as barbecue season drives forward, pedal to the metal. We’re not even a week out and a fair amount has happened in the world world of heat and smoke.

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Cube Chile: Resistance is Futile

In Science, Stories by Harald ZoschkeLeave a Comment

… or is there a Chili’s Cube? According to a press release on April 1st, scientists have succeeded in the Dutch Westland in growing a jalapeno version in cube form. It was carried on a gene called A23-157. A tomato breeding, in the form of a cube, succeeded several years ago.

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Burn! Tested: Pepper Burn Anodyne

In Product Reviews, Reviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Any chef who’s worked with hot peppers will tell to make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after handling the things. Capsaicin has this very endearing habit of being hard to was away with conventional soap and water, though. Just ask anyone who’s ever rubbed their eyes or used the restroom after cutting up a bunch of jalapenos, then given their hands a quick was under the faucet. Twenty minutes later, the swearing stops as the burning wears off. This is why Marlin Belsinger came up with Chromtec’s Pepper Burn Anodyne. To test it out, I shot myself in the face with pepper spray and used the anodyne to alleviate one of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever had.

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Burn! Tested: The Jeavenly Host

In Gadgets & Tech, Reviews, Stories by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

That’s where Jalapeno Jeaven’s Jeavenly Host entered the story. They exhibited at the National Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show this year and agreed to let me review one. I was interested in what they had to offer not just because I needed a popper rack. Theirs had one significant difference worth noting—prongs.