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CaJohn’s New Classic Small Batch Sauces | Interview

In Chile Peppers, Interviews, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

The Classic Small Batch line is a return to the pre-superhot days, to recapture what attracted a lot of us to spicy in the first place. Many a chilehead cut his or her tastebuds on the vinegar-and-salt Louisiana-style offerings of Tabasco and the other big boys in the hot sauce world. Classic Small Batch is what happens when a dedicated legend of the chilehead world creates his/her own tabletop hot sauce. Think of Classic Small Batch as a gateway sauce for chiles. The pepper content is higher than you’d find in the mass-produced cousins (42% versus 15% or less). Intrigued by this development, I thought I’d pick CaJohn Hard’s brain about the new lineup.

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Stubb’s BBQ Sauce & Rub | Review

In Product Reviews, Reviews by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

I’ve been a Stubb’s BBQ sauce fan for a while now, so when the company asked me if they could send me some product to review, I was about as hesitant as you’d expect (i.e., I wasn’t). Stubbs sent in its original sauce, BBQ rub, and the spicy sauce for me to play with. When I test a product, I generally keep the recipes straightforward so as to get the clearest understanding of how well a sauce or rub does its job. Company founder C.B. Stubblefield being a Texas barbecue man, the sensible test here was beef.

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Grilled Crab-Stuffed Cherry or Jalapeno Peppers

In Appetizers, BBQ - Grilling - Smoking, Chile Peppers, Recipes, Seafood by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

We don’t usually think about grilling pickled peppers, but for some reason they turn out great. Just remember not to over-grill the peppers or they may blacken on the outside. Note that although some commercial cherry peppers are called “hot” by the manufacturers, they are usually rather mild. This recipe is reminiscent of the wonderful canned stuffed jalapeños from Mexico–in fact, this recipe works with pickled jalapeños as well.

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Keygoes Chili Keychain: Burn Tested

In Gadgets & Tech, Reviews by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

A billion years ago when I was in high school, mullet and all, my best friend Robert Miller introduced me to the wonderful world of hot sauce. Rob was no joke when it came to spicy. We’d hit the local pizza joint and he insisted on jalapenos on it. And then he’d add his own hot sauce that he carried wherever he went.

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Why Super Hot Peppers Get So Hot

In Chile Peppers, News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Apparently, the reason superhots make so much more fire than jalapenos or habaneros is because they’re OCD. According to research at the Chile Pepper Institute at New Mexico State University, the main difference between the two groups of chiles is that superhots maximize their interior space. Much like how my roommate in college Tetris’ed everything in the apartment neatly into its own little storage compartment.