Thanks to BBQ Guys for these suggestions…
ThermoWorks Introduces Dual Channel Thermometer
They are invaluable for monitoring cooking temperatures whether in a competition pit, your backyard or your oven…
Aw Shucks! A Product Review with Two Recipes
By Mike Stines, Ph.B. I truly enjoy oysters… fried oyster po’boys, grilled oysters, oysters Rockefeller, Devils on Horseback and the best – raw on the half shell with a spritz of fresh lemon and a dash of hot sauce or with a mignonette or cocktail sauce. But opening oysters is difficult and a good way to impale your palm with …
Weird Smokers and Grills
The craziest collection of smoker and grill photos you’ve ever seen!
Tappecue WiFi Thermometer Updated
Will the new Tappecue turn you into a competition-level BBQ master?
Product Review: Grill Grates Valley Brush
Made of double helix stainless steel wire, the brush head has no bristles that can become detached and end up in the food…
Keygoes Chili Keychain: Burn Tested
A billion years ago when I was in high school, mullet and all, my best friend Robert Miller introduced me to the wonderful world of hot sauce. Rob was no joke when it came to spicy. We’d hit the local pizza joint and he insisted on jalapenos on it. And then he’d add his own hot sauce that he carried wherever he went.