Everything about chili con carne generates some sort of controversy—the spelling of the name, the origin and history of the dish, the proper ingredients for a great recipe, the awesome society and cookoff rivalries, and even what the future holds for the bowl o’ red.
Barnacle Foods Kelp Salsa Review
Kelp isn’t my first choice for salsa ingredients but Barnacle Foods makes it work pretty well. By which I mean, for a kelp product, it’s pretty un-kelpy.
Sambal Paste 101
Sambals—those unique, chile-infused sauces—play a huge role in Southeast Asian cooking, as often one will make its appearance at the beginning of the meal as an ingredient and another during the meal as a condiment.
4 Cordless Electric Charcoal Lighter Options
While my favorite cordless starter for coals is a chimney starter, that’s not always an option for lighting other types of fire. Electrics are good alternatives for things like fireplaces and chimineas.
On Tabasco and Malagueta Peppers
The tabasco pepper is the best-known cultivar of this species, being the primary ingredient in the famous sauce that is now more than 125 years old.
Reviewing the Mesquite SmokeStack
Sometimes when I’m grilling something on the quick, I find myself wanting to add just a little smoke to it. This is where The SmokeStack comes into play.
Chiles on the Grill
Although many different fruits and vegetables can be grilled or smoked, it is chile peppers that have a particular affinity for the open flame.