According to many accounts, chile peppers were introduced into what is now the U.S. by Capitan General Juan de Oñate, the founder of Santa Fe, in 1598.
Tips for Big-Batch Cooking
Preparing a big batch of something — regardless of what it is — is a great way of putting your cooking skills to the test.
Hungarian Wax Pepper 101
Hungarian Wax Peppers aren’t exactly setting the chilehead world a-flame but maybe that’s due to unfortunate naming. You can cook with them and they don’t taste like something from a candle store.
How to Cross-breed Peppers Yourself
Pepper breeders make controlled crosses between plants in order to combine genes of interest, and with a little practice you too can make your own crosses.
What is the African Birdseye Pepper?
The African birdseye chile is both wild and domesticated and is also known in English as African devil chile.
4 Great Cheap Barbecue Lights on Amazon
Barbecue lights help when you’re spending long hours smoking a big ol’ hunk of meat in the dark. Or as I know it, me every Christmas.
More Chile Pepper Roasting and Peeling Tips
Our favorite roasting method is to place the pods on the grill over a charcoal or gas fire about five to six inches from the coals.