All the hottest chile peppers in the world originated in Trinidad and Tobago. But how and why? Here are some of my theories. I invite comments on this work in progress.
Clean, Convenient, and So Cool: A Cobb Grill Has it All!
After reading about this nifty cooker from South Africa, I absolutely had to try one out for myself. I’m glad I did!
Dave’s Digging The Fire Drill Burger
On Tuesday in Houston, I had lunch at a food truck—er, bus with James Wreck and David of Bernie’s Burger Bus blew me away with their Fire Drill Burger.
Reader Question: Growing Chiles as a Business
We received this message from a reader who wants to get into the business end of chile growing, and asked The Pope of Peppers for some advice. Here’s Brandon’s question and Dave’s answer.
Slap Yo’ Daddy: Harry Soo Talks Barbecue
The man is a machine, albeit one who still uses the same simple setup you see on television. Where the other 109 teams were all more elaborate than SYO (Slap Yo’ Daddy), he was the one walking away with the title. The guy’s got heart. He’s also really busy, which is why I was stoked when he agreed to answer my questions for this interview.
Slow Fire: The Beginner’s Guide to Barbecue
Read “Slow Fire: The Beginner’s Guide to Barbecue” and let Dr. BBQ be your wing-man (literally) as he walks you through the basics of cooking authentic barbecue on your own grill (and if you have a stovetop smoker, you can cook inside, too!).
Visiting the Land of the Maya, Part 1
In 2008, my coauthor of ten books, Nancy Gerlach, and her husband Jeff retired and moved from Albuquerque to Chelem, Yucatán. Recently my wife and I visited them for a whirlwind tour of the region.