Jefferson was ahead of his time in loving chiles and tomatoes.
FedEx Workers Get A Snootful of Chile Concentrate
According to reports, a forklift operator punctured a 5-gallon container of concentrated capsaicin liquid that was destined for a hot sauce manufacturer.
Whatever Floats your BBQ Boat…
Hammacher Schlemmer, the famous purveyors of cutting-edge gadgetry, have done it again, with their nifty barbecue dining boat. Be the coolest grillster on the block for a mere 50K.
Eat More Heat Speaks: Giant Corporations vs. The Little Guys
I recently visited the Houston, TX studio of Eat More Heat, where James Wreck, David Martin and I discussed (among other things) the opening of their new Houston hot shop called iBurn, corporate saucemakers, and how things are looking for artisanal sauce makers in the fiery foods industry.
Chopped: Grill Masters- Rick Browne talks about competing on TV
Starting yesterday, Food Network blew the roof off of its hit series, Chopped, with the first of five themed episodes dubbed Chopped: Grill Masters. Over five weeks, the show was based outside at the nostalgic Old Tucson Studios in Arizona. Sixteen grilling professionals from around the country faced off in this captivating Wild West showdown. Mark Masker interviewed Rick Browne about competing on the show.
James Wreck Sets Fire to Houston with iBurn
I recently visited the Houston, TX studio of Eat More Heat, where James Wreck and his trusty sidekick David Martin produce a weekly live video program focusing on spicy product reviews, with a generous helping of irreverent humor. James shared his plans for a brand new hot shop he’s going to open, called iBurn!
Mark’s Custom Chimney Starter
If you’re the proud owner of a cordless drill and a coffee habit like me, you can have your own chimney starter for under $5 and you get a ton of java to boot. How? By making your own starter from a metal coffee can.