Football season means tailgating and that’s where Burger Stomper comes in. Seeing as how I loves me some tail(gating) and a good burger, this seemed like a good time to take Burger Stomper out for for a test drive.
New Toys from Thermoworks
Thermoworks, a Utah-based company selling high quality temperature measurement instruments manufactured in the U.K., has introduced four new products for home and backyard cooks. I have used Thermoworks’ products for a number of years and I’m continually impressed by their quality and customer service.
Superhot Harvest! Fresh Pods Available!
We have begun the harvest in Las Cruces of Trinidad Scoprions, Morugas, 7-Pots, and Barrackapores. Monday, we harvested 40 pounds, so the crop looks great. They are available for sale, but we are not catering to hobbyists. The minimum order is five (5) pounds in the lower 48 states only, and no international orders.
From Totally Q: Any Excuse to Barbecue is a Good Excuse to Barbecue
Not that you ever need to explain to anyone why you want to barbecue, but if for some reason you did, there’s a great list of Barbecue’s High Holy Days in George Hensler’s book, Totally Q. If some fool looks at you when you suggest firing up the grill and you’re tired of telling them, “Because I say so,” try using one of these as an excuse. Just make sure the holiday and the date coincide. Haters can’t call you out if you’re right.
Micro Jerky of the Month Club
Every month The Jerky Connection concocts a brand new jerky recipe made from some of the best hot sauce producers around. And then they mail it to subscribers of their new Micro Jerky of the Month Club.
Playing with Fire: My Microfarm Experiment
If you’re a home gardener, you’ve probably experienced the dreaded Zucchini Syndrome. Over-producing squash plants make the zukes faster than your family can eat them. You try to give them away, but no one wants them because they’re now larger than your cat. Well, the same thing can happen to chile plants, which is why I wrote Too Many Chiles with Nancy and Jeff Gerlach. But at least you can dry the chile pods to preserve them—something you can’t do easily with zucchinis and large tomatoes.
Frankenburger: Our In Vitro Burger Recipe
Dutch scientist Mark Post and his team are all set to fry up and serve the world’s first stem cell-grown hamburger for two lucky taste testers to try. While everyone else is wondering how it will taste, I think the bigger question is, how long is it before Frankenburger turns bad, kills a villager, and gets its creators killed by a mob wielding pitchforks and torches? It’s thoughts like this that keep me up late at night.