The book should come with a warning: ‘Do not look at this book if you are hungry…’ You could start chewing on the pages!
Hell, yeah, we talk about Fight Club
Hog Heaven, located adjacent to Centennial Park in downtown Nashville, is literally a hole in the wall BBQ joint. While there are a few “outdoor” tables most of the business is takeout with folks enjoying the hickory-smoked meats in the park. What makes Hog Heaven unique is they make a white barbecue sauce that is absolutely fantastic for poultry.
Burn! Tested: King Tong
Warning: King Tong is not for the timid. And it shouldn’t be. Not with a name that cool. C’mon. Depending on what type of movie you like, it sounds like either a pun on King Kong, a Chinese crimelord in a kung fu movie, or an adult film actor with a very strange “mutation.” In reality, it’s a heavy duty stainless steel pincer for manipulating coals and burning wood chunks from over two feet away.
Cube Chile: Resistance is Futile
… or is there a Chili’s Cube? According to a press release on April 1st, scientists have succeeded in the Dutch Westland in growing a jalapeno version in cube form. It was carried on a gene called A23-157. A tomato breeding, in the form of a cube, succeeded several years ago.
Test Driving UV Vodka’s Sriracha Vodka
You’re clearly not at the Burn! Blog to read about Blue Vodka, so let’s get to the hot and spicy stuff. As I mentioned in my last post, spice can be an overly invasive flavor in “traditional” cocktails to the point that they just don’t taste very good. Jalapeño tequila, we decided, was better for cooking than drinking. The folks at UV got smart with their flavors on the Sriracha flavor by taking a very flavor that folks already love and recommending a well-known cocktail right out of the bottle: the Bloody Mary.
Frog Bone Cajun Sauces
Keith “Boudin Man” Jenkins, a native of Madisonville, LA, moved from his home 40 miles north of the Big Easy to Flint, TX in 2010 and started selling shrimp and crawfish from the back of a pickup truck on weekends. He then opened the “Cajun Bayou Seafood” restaurant offering fresh seafood and what many called “the best boiled crawfish around.”
Greg Mays Reviews Tanteo Jalapeño Tequila
Flavored vodka has exploded in both popularity and absurdity over the last 5 years. You can find everything from sweet to savory on the vodka liquor shelf, but it’s mostly low-quality and artificially flavored.
Tequila, however, which is overseen by the Tequila Regulatory Council of Mexico, couldn’t legally contain any additional flavorings until 2004. As a result, you’ll find fewer flavored tequilas at the stores.