If you’ve just gotten a Big Green Egg or are contemplating a purchase, Lampe’s book is worth the $25 investment…
How to Handle the Chile Harvest: 3 Articles
Fiery Foods Central is here to help, and we present three articles that tell you how to handle the harvest…
Project Smoke… Another Great Book by Stephen Raichlen
In his latest tome, Raichlen defines his seven steps to what he calls “smoking nirvana”…
CaJohn’s New Classic Small Batch Sauces | Interview
The Classic Small Batch line is a return to the pre-superhot days, to recapture what attracted a lot of us to spicy in the first place. Many a chilehead cut his or her tastebuds on the vinegar-and-salt Louisiana-style offerings of Tabasco and the other big boys in the hot sauce world. Classic Small Batch is what happens when a dedicated legend of the chilehead world creates his/her own tabletop hot sauce. Think of Classic Small Batch as a gateway sauce for chiles. The pepper content is higher than you’d find in the mass-produced cousins (42% versus 15% or less). Intrigued by this development, I thought I’d pick CaJohn Hard’s brain about the new lineup.
Tappecue WiFi Thermometer Updated
Will the new Tappecue turn you into a competition-level BBQ master?
Product Review: Grill Grates Valley Brush
Made of double helix stainless steel wire, the brush head has no bristles that can become detached and end up in the food…
Review of “Meathead”–Barbecue with a Dash of Science
If you enjoy succulent meals from your grill or smoker and would like to know what’s the science behind the cooking Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling is a book you want to have…