Valentine’s Day just begs for spicy chocolate, doesn’t it? If you and your SO are big into chiles but don’t want to go to the trouble of making dessert, here are six fiery chocolate ideas for your consideration.
The 1-2 Jalapeno Key Lime Combo
Every so often, life drops a good accidental discovery in your lap. One of my favorites was finding out how well Desert Gardens Jalapeno Lime Seasoning goes with Hot Licks Key Lime Jalapeno Olive Oil and just about anything you care to use them on.
Growing Peppers in Cold Frames and Hotbeds
Cold frames are the second most efficient environments for growing seedlings and probably the least expensive to construct and operate.
Inspecting and Testing New Chile Pepper Seeds
New Year’s Day is coming up quick and now’s the time to start planning next year’s chile pepper harvest, if you haven’t started doing so already.
Meet the Pimenton Chile Pepper
Spain’s pimentón pepper is a foreign movie star among chiles here in the U.S. It’s not mainstream but it’s got a good following in its native country.
Black Eyed Susan’s Sauce Reviewed
Black Eyed Susan Spice Co’s Death by Chocolate hot sauce line packs a solid punch.
How to Make a Chile Pepper Ristra
The long red ristras (strings) of New Mexican chiles are seen everywhere in that state in the early fall.