With barbecue, much like with good sex, technique makes all the difference. Put the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time and you end up with a bad taste in your mouth. Dr BBQ’s, Flavorize, hones in on a topic barbecuers spend years trying to perfect: the techniques for getting the best flavor into ‘cue. Not cooking itself (although there is plenty of that in the book), but the marinades, injections, brines, rubs, and glazes that bring great flavor to barbecue. I pinned down Ray “Dr BBQ” Lampe for a quick Q&A about the book. Here’s what he had to say.
The BBQ Guru’s Bob Trudnak: Interview
The BBQ Guru’s Bob Trudnak and I have played phone tag for an interview for years. This is mostly my fault but we finally nailed down a Q&A session earlier this week. He’s the main man for The BBQ Guru’s competition team and I asked him about moving into barbecue, what he likes to make, and his plans for getting into the World Food Championships so he can add a second WFC rib win to his belt.
Burn! Interview: Heather Manley
When World Food Championships competitor Heather Manley dared me to plunge into the pool at the WFC’s meet and greet cocktail party, she could just as easily have been talking about diving right into creating a new recipe for bacon as daring me to jump into a pool.
Just the FAQs: Chile Pepper Tips from Dave
Over the years our readers have asked us nearly 700 questions on every conceivable aspect of chile peppers. Someone, somewhere at the SuperSite had the brilliant idea to stick all that knowledge into FAQs in a searchable database. The questions were answered by the SuperSite staff, under the direction of publisher Dave DeWitt. If you have any of your own chile pepper questions, message it to us. Here’s a snapshot of just some of the info you’ll find at the SuperSite.
The Best of “Ask Dr. BBQ.”
Over the years, our BBQ-fanatic readers have asked us hundreds of BBQ and grilling questions. With the assistance of the famous Ray Lampe, aka “Dr. BBQ,” we have answered them and placed them in a searchable database here. If you want a better idea of what you’ll find there, here’s a quick list of some of the issues he’s addressed for us at the SuperSite.
James Beck vs. James Wreck: Who’d Win in a Fist Fight?
That was the one question I didn’t ask eatmoreheat.com and iBurn frontman James Beck when I picked his brain bucket about he and the Mr. Hyde to his Dr. Jekyl, James Wreck. Truth to tell, I was scared of the answer.
The Four Horsemen of Super Bowl Barbecue
During the Bare Bones competition at Meatopia Oakland last year, I couldn’t help but hear Chris Lilly talk to his Kingsford buddies about this year’s football season. Mostly because I was eavesdropping. That conversation mutated into the kernel of an idea which grew into a great question: what do some of the biggest and brightest in barbecue do for Super Bowl Sunday?