Cold frames are the second most efficient environments for growing seedlings and probably the least expensive to construct and operate.
Inspecting and Testing New Chile Pepper Seeds
New Year’s Day is coming up quick and now’s the time to start planning next year’s chile pepper harvest, if you haven’t started doing so already.
Meet the Pimenton Chile Pepper
Spain’s pimentón pepper is a foreign movie star among chiles here in the U.S. It’s not mainstream but it’s got a good following in its native country.
How to Make a Chile Pepper Ristra
The long red ristras (strings) of New Mexican chiles are seen everywhere in that state in the early fall.
Fighting Weeds in Your Chile Pepper Garden
More than 150 types of weeds harbor insect-transmitted viruses that can harm peppers.
Window Sill Pepper Germinating: Bad Plan
Pepper seedlings do about as well on a window sill as vampires do in direct sunlight. Okay, not that bad but there are hazards.
Ramping Up Your Chile Pepper Germination Rate
I know it’s January but growing chiles is a year-round thing for some of us who’re planning this year’s garden and how to maximize chile seed germination going into the growing season.