Freezing chiles is an excellent way of preserving them. Chiles that have been frozen retain all the characteristics of fresh chiles except for their texture. Since the individual cell walls have been ruptured by the freezing of the water within each cell, the chiles will lose their crisp texture.
Southwestern Stuffed Red Bell Peppers
Over at our big sister, the Fiery Foods and Barbecue Super Site, there’s a great article called Ground Unbound. It’s a collection of uses for ground meat. You should go check it out. First, though, here’s one of the recipes.
Firewater: Beverage Etiquette Solved at Last
The other day Burn! barbecue contributor extraordinaire Mike Stines and I were talking about The Pope of Peppers and just how much more he knows about chile peppers than we ever will. Dave never ceases to surprise me and now he’s solved a modern problem faced by many a chilehead: what beverage in the blue Hell is right to serve with spicy food?
Grilling With Liquor for Beginners
As I began to grill myself in my younger years, I encountered folks who had their own unique ways of using liquor to jazz up the meats they cooked. Still, many people never even bother trying to marinate, or otherwise beef up their….beef. So I thought I’d give 3 ways to marinating your meats with Grandpa’s Cough Medicine of various sorts, for a similar cost as your usual marinades.
The Way of the Bun: A Quickie on Grilling Etiquette
Last weekend, a good buddy of mine took it upon himself to open the lid on my grill and check the food.
Right after I’d just checked it myself.
You do not second guess someone when they’re grilling unless the grill is consumed in fire. My friend’s lucky he’s stringy or he’d have been the next course. Not because I’m into long pig– I’m not a cannibal. I am, however, a firm believer in object lessons. Especially to any would-be violators of my grill second guessing my work. I have plenty of friends so I can afford to cook one here and there.
Barbecue 101: Tips from the Supersite
Having grilled that screwy rabbit and his basket of eggs last week, barbecue season became official in the Masker house. April being the seasonal starting line for many of us ‘quers, it’s the perfect time to get back to basics as we launch the year’s summer of smoke and fire. With that in mind, here are three articles you may want to check out from our Supersite.
Bookmark This Handy Guide to Cooking Oils
Which cooking oil to use when? Find out here.