In my neverending quest for uses for fruit-based hot sauces that don’t involve mixing them up with cream cheese, barbecue sauce seems like a good choice. If you were at our show earlier this year, you probably saw all of the fruit-based fiery jams, jellies, and hot sauces that are gaining popularity right now. This blackberry barbecue sauce would be perfect for one of those things; just use a raspberry, blueberry or other berry-based concoction for the hot sauce element.
Basic BBQ Brisket How-To
Barbecued brisket isn’t something to be taken lightly. Often, sure. Lightly, no. Perfect brisket will make you leave your spouse for it. It’s that serious. Let Fiery Foods Central’s Brisket: The King of Texas is a great starting point for smoking brisket the right way. If you’re feeling too lazy to reach all the way over to your mouse and follow the link, take a short cut and scroll down for a recipe excerpt on making terrific brisket on the smoker. Cooking brisket is not something done after coming home from work but is a great weekend cooking project.
Steak and Pepper Sandwich with Chipotle Garlic Cheese Spread
Only if you’ve done it right. Luckily, mixing All Spice Cafe’s Chipotle Garlic sauce with Karoun Kefir Cheese Labne worked extremely well. If it hadn’t, there’d be a new hole in my backyard. The sort of hole Joe Pesci bitched about having to dig in Casino, only without a snitch in it. The sauce packs a medium-sized heat and smoky flavor with garlic and tartness. Traditionally made by draining whey from slightly salted yogurt, Labne is a thick and creamy yogurt cheese that’s a healthier alternative to regular cream cheese. It’s also rich enough to be used as a substitute for sour cream.
Amberfyre: Manhattan Black Cherry Bourbon BBQ Sauce: Burn! Tested
Amber Button and CaJohn Hard brainstormed this sauce during talk of the big city steakhouses popularized during the 1950s and `60s. It’s a blend of Kentucky bourbon, marinated cherries, a touch of vanilla, chile peppers, and what you’d expect to find in many barbecue sauces.
Christmas Food Coverage on the SuperSite
We have quite a number of unique holiday articles on the SuperSite that I’m going to tell you about, so here are the first two.
Summer Firepit Grilling
Can you cook on a fire pit? Sure you can. It doesn’t make any difference if it’s propane-fired or a traditional wood burning pit… cooking is cooking. And you can do a lot more than S’mores, hot dogs and hamburgers.
Gray Matters: Test Driving Rod Gray’s Sauces and Rubs
I recently received some of Rod Gray’s line of sauces and rubs – “IPO,” a Memphis-style sauce; “The Next Best Thing,” a Kansas City-style sauce; “Zero to Hero” (a sweet rub); and “The Most Powerful Stuff,” what he calls a “purposeful rub.”