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Is Barbecue Too Trendy Now?

In BBQ, News by Mark Masker2 Comments

Earlier this week, ran a story asking the question, “Is barbecue getting too trendy for its own good?” We here at the blog thought it’d be great to ask our own little panel of experts what they thought about the story and for their own two cents on the subject.

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It May Be the World’s Largest, But Where’s the Green Chile?

In BBQ, News by Lois MannoLeave a Comment

A new Guinness World Record for the World’s Largest Commercially Available Hamburger was set on Saturday, July 2 at the County Fair in Alameda, California. Weighing in at 777 glorious pounds, the mutant “Juicy’s Outlaw Burger” was created by Juicy’s LLC. After a total of 13 hours’ cooking time and the obligatory weigh-in, the burger was split up and shared …

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Pretty in Pink: The USDA’s Revised Temp for Pork

In BBQ, News by Mark Masker1 Comment

by Mark Masker and the USDA website Oh, happy day! Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) changed its bureaucratic mind on the recommended safe temperature for cooking pork. Swine joins the ranks of beef with a new safe temp of 145 degrees F. for all whole cuts of meat. Or, as we commonly know them, steaks, roasts, and …