Serve these tasty sausages with grilled onions and peppers, cole slaw, and some crunchy bread.
Facts About the Scovie Awards
The deadline for the Scovie Awards Early Bird Special is July 1. Now, while you scramble to get your entries in or are straddling the fence as to whether or not to enter, we’ve got some facts to help you in making that decision.
Smoked Macaroni and Cheese with Shrimp
I planned for this smoked macaroni and cheese with shrimp dish as a barbecue side. That ended when I tasted it and knew I had t promote it to center stage.
Escoveitch Fish Recipe
Also called escabeche, escoveitch is a tart, hot and spicy marinade for fish is an integral part of Jamaican and Puerto Rican foods.
2023 Scovie Awards Call for Entries!
The 2023 Scovie Awards are now open for submissions! Be sure to enter early and take advantage of two discounts! Enter early for the Early Bird Special and the multiple entries discount.
Pringles and Hot Ones Team Up to Release Limited-Edition Lineup
Enlisting the help of First We Feast’s internet phenomenon Hot Ones, whose notoriously hot wing sauces put fans’ tastebuds to the test, Pringles is releasing the Pringles Scorchin’ Hot Ones lineup.
Crab-Stuffed Deviled Eggs
Deviled eggs are the most obvious (and delicious) ways to use up left-over Easter eggs. However, you don’t need to wait for Easter to enjoy them.