It’s hard to overstate how good the National Fiery Foods & BBQ Show is for showcasing hot sauce makers who’ve made the leap from amateur to professional. Take Schultz’s Gourmet for example…they know that shows like this one have been key to their success.
Hairy Bikers Bring the Heat
Fiery food meets hot rod power when Eat More Heat hits the History Channel.
Mark and the Beanstalk, Part II
One pot, 37 plants. Can a jillion chile peppers be far behind? Mark Masker shares his progress on the great Topsy Turvy experiment.
3-D Foodie Madness
Three-dimensional food printing may be the ultimate in custom cuisine. 3-D food printers can make little space shuttle-shaped scallop nuggets, or cakes and cookies with edible messages in them. It will even make a solid hamburger patty with layers of ketchup and mustard embedded inside. How did we survive without this?
Habanero Mac ‘N Cheese
Over Labor Day weekend, James Beck of concocted a seriously hot take on mac ‘n cheese. If you’re going to encourage cardiac arrest, you may as well spice it up a bit, right?
Odd Eats: Two Upcoming Weird Foodfests
Scholars blame opposable thumbs, upright stance, and tool use for how we hairless apes conquered the Earth but there’s another reason that trumps the others. Humans eat everything that doesn’t eat them first.
It’s Time for the Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival
OK you chileheads, jump on your bikes and head over to Austin Texas for the 21st annual Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival, happening this Sunday!
In the 21 years since its inception, what started as a friendly contest between Austin and San Antonio has become one of the largest annual contests in the world,