The Chile Pepper Institute’s Chile Flavor Wheel is a chilehead chef’s best friend. The wheel is similar to flavor and aroma wheels designed for wine, only for chile peppers instead.
Gourdzilla III: Enter the Ninja
We’ve been on a pumpkin roll lately, so here are a few recipes perfect for holiday entertaining, including a spicy soup idea just in time for Thanksgiving.
Return of Gourdzilla: Maple Smoked Pumpkin Pie
Building on my happiness with the smoked pumpkin experiment, I got a little more ambitious: smoked pumpkin pie. Trot this one out for Thanksgiving and see what happens.
Eat More Heat Reviews Scovie Winners
All during November, James Wreck and his team of hothead reviewers at Eat More will be tasting and evaluating the current crop of Scovie Award winners. For hardcore chileheads!
Using Green and Red Guajillo Peppers
One of our readers asked about using green guajillo chiles, and how to get them to ripen this late in the season. Dave DeWitt to the rescue!
Gourdzilla: The Pumpkin that Smokes Itself
Happy Halloween! This is a project I’ve wanted to try for years: turning a monster pumpkin into a smoker. The reasons why are (a) it’s the excuse I needed to play with one of these ginormous Gourdzillas, and (b) I like the idea of food that smokes itself.
Mark and the Beanstalk Part III: Judgment Day
In the final installment of Mark’s series about his jalapeño-growing adventure, he reports on the harvest and shares a couple of recipes for using the fresh pods. Chipotles, anyone?