Because we loves us some Deano’s Jalapeño Chips, we’re helping them spread the word about this special Cinco de Mayo offer: a blended mix of jalapeño and habanero cheddar chips, which will be available for a limited time only.
Hot Sauce Market Explosion
Disclaimer: Absolutely no hot sauce markets were hurt in the making of this good news. Sorry, folks, no big flaming explosions to see here. Just huge growth for the hot sauce industry. Yay us!
Vibrant Veggie Soups for Spring
The recipes we share here represent the best of vegetarian soups: satisfying, light and full of healthy stuff.
Yes! Chile Pepper Death Ray. Or not…
Woohoo! At long last, funding for my chile pepper death ray project! Well, maybe not. However, University of Washington researcher Josh Tewksbury may have found funding for his pet pepper project via a new venture named Microryza.
Evil Egg Salads
Every March, chickens everywhere work long hours cranking out tons of eggs just so you and I can boil, dye, hide, and in some cases, actually eat them. We reward these hardworking fowl later on in the year by frying them and eating their wings in hot sauce. It sucks to be them.
A Bacon COFFIN? Really?
If your will stipulates being buried in J&D Foods’ bacon coffin, there’s a good chance bacon is what put you in that casket in the first place.
ACM BBQ Throwdown: Hunger Games, Vegas-style
I made almost $700 playing poker in Vegas this last weekend, but the biggest winner I met worked a lot harder for their money than I did. That would be the Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ competition barbecue team who came out on top at the ACM BBQ Throwdown at Mandalay Bay.