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A Super Hot Ghost Story

In Product Reviews, Reviews, Stories by Lois Manno1 Comment

Once upon a time, an innocent blog editor was walking through the dark forest (okay, it wasn’t a forest, it was Twitter), when she was offered a pretty jar of jelly by an evil witch, who told her it was made from ghost peppers (well, it wasn’t actually a witch, it was Suzanne from Suzanne’s Kitchen.

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Feisty Pumpkin-Chorizo Pizza

In Holiday & Seasonal, Recipes by Lois MannoLeave a Comment

From flesh to seeds, pumpkins pack a wealth of nutrition, including vitamins A, C, E, iron, carotene, anti-oxidants and more. They have zero cholesterol, they’re inexpensive, tasty, and they look cool. What more could you ask of a vegetable? Try out this unique pizza featuring pumpkin and chorizo.