If you’re a fellow foodie who loves exploring food history, colonial times, and historic recipes, Dave DeWitt’s book The Founding Foodies is a must-have for your culinary library. Here we share some tidbits from the book in honor of Presidents’ Day.
The Peperoncino-Eating Contest: Could You Eat A Chihuahua’s Weight in Chiles?
During my 2010 trip to the 18th Annual Peperoncino Festival in Diamante, Calabria, Italy, I had been drafted—despite my protests—into serving as one of the head judges for the chile-eating contest. Sometimes it’s tough being the Pope of Peppers.
Wilbur Scoville and the Organoleptic Test Centennial
This is the first ever biographical essay on the professional life of Wilbur Scoville.
New Mexico Superhot Tests Revealed
The hottest chile tested in 2011 was the ‘Trinidad Scorpion Red Butch-T’ at 1,107,000 Scoville Heat Units.
We’ll Drink to That
We celebrate the new year with two great New Year’s Eve spiced-up cocktails.
Your Very Own Ripening Box
Every wonder how it’s possible to have at least semi-ripe tomatoes in the middle of winter? It’s because they are picked green for shipping and then gassed with ethylene to cause them to ripen. You can use the same trick at home with a ripening box.
2012 Scovie Winners Announced!
OK chileheads, the waiting’s over! After tabulating the results of the 2012 Scovie Awards, we have named the winners! Congratulations to all the winning entries.