Exciting things are happening in the New Mexico food community right now, especially what the people at Delicious New Mexico are doing for small local food businesses. Their work is bringing together farmers and ranchers with value-added products and connecting them to grocery stores, restaurants, festivals, and to consumers.
Remembering Gary Collins
I had to follow the Parents of Murdered Children on the Gary Collins Show in 1991.
The Ballsiest Beer Ever!
Today Colorado-based Wynkoop Brewing Company will tap the first keg of a brand new and immensely unique beer: Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout, made with bull testicles. You read it right, folks.
Peppers in the Monticello Garden
Jefferson was ahead of his time in loving chiles and tomatoes.
New Mexico Green Chiles a Spicy Bargain
A lot of the media would have us believing that prices for fresh chiles will be outrageous this year. Not so, at least in Albuquerque. Albertson’s is selling a thirty pound sack for $14.88, and then they roast it for you.
Whatever Floats your BBQ Boat…
Hammacher Schlemmer, the famous purveyors of cutting-edge gadgetry, have done it again, with their nifty barbecue dining boat. Be the coolest grillster on the block for a mere 50K.
Play a Little Spanish Roulette with Padrón Peppers
I found the Spanish chiles known as pimientos de padrón at the Downtown Growers Market here in Albuquerque and fried them in olive oil, then dressed them with sea salt. Just excellent!