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Drinking in the New Year (and Christmas)

In Alcoholic, Beverages, Recipes by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

Well, we’re about to leap into 2015, so we guess some celebrating is in order. But first, some comments about celebrations on New Year’s Eve from some wise philosophers. “I’m not a drinker,” said Woody Allen, “my body won’t tolerate spirits, really. I had two martinis New Year’s Eve and I tried to hijack an elevator and fly it to Cuba.” Don Marquis confesses: “I drink only to make my family seem interesting.” And perhaps the wisest philosopher all, the great Henny Youngman, said about his family, “My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.” We’re going one step better than that. Here are two of our favorite Christmas and New Year’s Eve drinks.

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Superhot Harvest! Fresh Pods Available!

In Gardening, Stories by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

We have begun the harvest in Las Cruces of Trinidad Scoprions, Morugas, 7-Pots, and Barrackapores. Monday, we harvested 40 pounds, so the crop looks great. They are available for sale, but we are not catering to hobbyists. The minimum order is five (5) pounds in the lower 48 states only, and no international orders.