The deadline for entering the 2015 Scovie Awards Competition is now Friday, September 12 at midnight, and there will be no additional extension. But remember, your products entered must arrive in Albuquerque no later than September 19th.
Superhot Chiles Available for Ordering
Hello Food Brokers and Manufacturers. Here at Chromtec and Sunbelt Microfarms, we have diversified and expanded our superhot chile fields from one to six in New Mexico and also added one in Florida. We are anticipating a bumper crop of New Mexico Scorpions, Barrackapores, and Morugas for shipping fresh, frozen, or dried.
Ornamentally Oriented
Most home gardeners, myself included, are so focused the culinary aspect of chile peppers that we forget about their ornamental qualities and how the mostly upright pods change colors over the entire summer and into the early fall.
More Prizes for Scovie Winners
Columbine Label, one of our sponsors of the 2015 Scovie Awards, has announced that the two Grand Prize Winners will each receive 1,000 product labels (with winners’ art work), and all other Scovie winners will receive a $25 voucher to use towards their next order of labels from Columbine.
The Compost Pile Volunteers
From the dirt pile comes the HEAT!
Scovie Awards: 11 Days Left to Enter
The Scovie deadline of September 5th is now a tropical storm, but it’s building fast into hurricane strength. Don’t be left out–enter today.
How Scovie Wins Boost Business
“Winning back-to-back Scovie awards two years in a row was fantastic and helped open the doors to increased sales, but winning the 2012 Grand Prize Award for Tasting took us to a whole new level!”