New Scovie Site Explodes!

In News, Scovie Awards by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

2016-Scovie-AwardsWe Have a New Scovie Website! And here’s what’s really new:

From Hans Wressnigg, Media Director and Site Designer:
Winners archive back to 2003!
Prominent featured images and descriptions for winners with Enhanced Listings (grid view is default)
Review products on the site and share with your friends on popular social media sites
Easily find winners by filtering by year, place, category, subcategory, listing… and even by name in the search bar!

From Emily DeWitt-Cisneros, Scovie Awards Producer:
It’s the same contest with a brilliant new website!
There’s a new blog feature. Keep up with Scovie Awards and industry information, as well as articles to help with your business.
Come take a look before the competition begins on June 29th!
Also, on June 29th there’ll be a brand new entry form. Preview it here.
We have Early Bird Special pricing (enter 4 pay for 3 or enter 7 pay for 5).
As always we look forward to your entries! Visit

Hottest Regards,
emily 2



emily 1

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Publisher | Christened the "Pope of Peppers" by The New York Times, Dave DeWitt is a food historian and one of the foremost authorities in the world on chile peppers, spices, and spicy foods.

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