Garlic Cheese

In Appetizers by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

I’m in love with this Garlic Cheese recipe from Sharon Hudgins’ new book Food on the Move: Dining on the Legendary Railway Journeys of the World but if you find a pile of it dead in a ditch, blame my cardiologist. She’s not too fond of me eating it. Maybe that’s because I prefer mainlining it from a cereal bowl with a spoon made of bacon as opposed to just a little taste here and there.
Sharon tells us, “This garlic-flavored cheese mixture is popular in many parts of Russia. Local cooks in Siberian villages make zakuski (starters) of garlic cheese mounded on thick slices of fresh homegrown tomatoes. Chefs on the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express use it for stuffing ripe red tomatoes as a starter for summer meals on the train.”
You can pick up a copy of this book here.
Photo by Sharon Hudgins

garlic cheese
Garlic Cheese
Print Recipe
Heat Scale: Mild to medium
3 cups
3 cups
garlic cheese
Garlic Cheese
Print Recipe
Heat Scale: Mild to medium
3 cups
3 cups
  1. Toss shredded cheeses together by hand in a large bow
  2. Mix together sour cream, mayonnaise, garlic, cayenne pepper or paprika, and salt in a small bowl. Add to the cheese, stirring gently to mix well. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours (preferably overnight) for the flavors to meld. Let cheese come to room temperature before serving.
  3. Use as a stuffing for small firm ripe tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, as a spread for dark bread, or as a topping for baked potatoes. Garnish with fresh chives, green onion tops, or wild garlic leaves if desired.
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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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