Straw mulch working its magic.
If you haven’t started this year’s chile garden, it’s time to step on the gas and get going. We’re here to help with all kinds of good information. You’ll find a whole series of step-by-step articles in our series, The Pepper Growing Season. Here’s a quick excerpt on mulch to get you a-planning.
After transplanting, the pepper plants seem to sit and do nothing for a few weeks. Although they may not seem to be growing very fast, they are putting out roots and preparing for an enormous surge of growth. Sometimes there will be leaf damage from the sun and wind until the plants totally adapt to being in the ground.
A wide variety of mulches has been used with peppers, and determining the one that is right for the home garden depends upon a number of factors, including climate, decomposition of the mulch, and the use of colored mulches to increase yield. Gardeners should remember that since mulching warm soils keeps them warm and mulching cold soils tends to keep them cold, the mulch should be applied after the soil warms.
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