Dave DeWitt’s Chile Podcasts Continue

In Interviews, Stories by Lois Manno1 Comment

Hey all you folks out there in what passes these days for Radio Land! The Pope of Peppers has a new installment of his his weekly podcast: an interview with chilehead and entrepreneur Harald Zoschke, who founded Germany’s first retail store for lovers of fiery foods. Check out the free podcast here.

Dave’s other podcast guests have included such hot and spicy luminaries as: Dave Hirshkop of Dave’s Insanity Sauce, James Beck of EatMoreHeat.com, Marlon Bensinger—the authority on how hot chiles really are, U. K. chilli gardener Chris Fowler, who discusses how he keeps his peppers warm on those damp British nights, and Jim Garcia of El Pinto and New Mexico Scorpion Sauce fame.

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Lois Manno

Lois is the Editorial Director of the Burn! Blog and the Fiery Foods & BBQ SuperSite.


  1. David Rostenne

    Any chance the podcast will make it’s way into iTunes anytime soon?

    Yes i’d be happy to find the details on making it happen and providing them 😉



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