Welcome Spring with the Americano Cocktail

In Alcoholic, Beverages, Recipes by Greg MaysLeave a Comment

Processed with VSCOcam with 8 presetby Greg Mays

In Italy in the mid-1800s, a simple cocktail called the Milano-Torino became popular, consisting of just Campari (a popular Italian bitter liqueur), sweet vermouth and club soda. During Prohibition in the U.S., this tall drink became more and more popular with American tourists, giving it the name it’s known by today: the Americano.

Another tip of the hat for this nearly-200-year-old year old drink is that it’s the very first cocktail that was ordered by James Bond in Ian Fleming’s novels (Casino Royale, 1953). It remains today a simple, refreshing soda that’s great to drink outside on a warm Spring day, and it’s very low-alcohol, too, so it won’t weigh you down. Here’s the recipe:

Americano Cocktail
Author: Heat Scale: None
  • 1 oz Campari
  • 1 oz of quality red vermouth
  • top with club soda
  • garnish with an orange wedge
  1. Pour the ingredients into a Collins glass filled with ice.


Greg Mays is the Managing Editor of www.simple-cocktails.com.

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Cocktail Editor | Greg is the classic cocktail aficionado and recipe developer at Simple Cocktails, his “place for the intimidated home bartender to shed some fear.”

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