New Mexico Superhot Tests Revealed

In Book Reviews, Reviews, Stories by Dave DeWitt3 Comments

This is an excerpt from the new book Dave DeWitt’s Chile Trivia, which will launch at the 24th annual National Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show, March 2-4, 2012 at Sandia Resort and Casino in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Maximum Pungency Values of Superhot Chiles as Tested in 2011

Marlin Bensinger, an analytical chemist with his own chromatograph (two of them!) has been growing out superhots in various locations in Las Cruces and Haiti and them testing them. Here are his hottest results for the varieties he tested, except where noted, in thousands of Scoville Heat Units.


Variety Scoville Heat Units
Scorpion, Butch T, Red 1,107 K
Bhut Jolokia* 1,001 K
Barrackapore 987 K
Douglah 866 K
Naga Morich 837 K
Jonah 7 Pot, Red 757 K
Orange Habanero/Scorpion Cross 656 K
Chocolate Habanero 425 K
Jonah 7 Pot, Yellow 386 K
Red Savina* 249 K
Orange/Red Habanero 245 K
Scotch Bonnet 235 K
Orange Carib Habanero 225 K

*Tests by New Mexico State University

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Publisher | Christened the "Pope of Peppers" by The New York Times, Dave DeWitt is a food historian and one of the foremost authorities in the world on chile peppers, spices, and spicy foods.

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  1. Mike Hennessy

    Other than pepper spray what possible use is there for the two hottest peppers? I can’t imagine anyone regardless of their tolerance level being able to do anything with those.

  2. Steve Simon

    OK, I’ll be the first to ask: where do I get seeds for the Butch T Red Scorpion?


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