creole barbecue sauce stirring

Salsa Criolla (Creole Barbecue Sauce)

In BBQ - Grilling - Smoking by Dave DeWittLeave a Comment

There are many variations on this Creole barbecue sauce from Argentina, but this is my favorite. It is served with grilled, roasted, or barbecued meats and seafood. Variation: Add 1 bell pepper and 1 jalapeƱo, both seeded and minced.

creole barbecue sauce stirring

Creole Barbecue Sauce Ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons ajĆ­ chile powder or substitute New Mexican red chile powder
  • 2 teaspoons dry mustard
  • 1/3 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 onions, minced
  • 3 ripe tomatoes, chopped fine
  • 2 tablespoons minced Italian parsley
  • Salt to taste


  1. Combine the chile powder and the mustard with a little vinegar to make a paste. Add the rest of the vinegar and the olive oil and beat with a whisk.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients, stir well, and allow to sit for 2 hours to blend the flavors.

Photo by Klaus Nielsen via Pexels

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Publisher | Christened the "Pope of Peppers" by The New York Times, Dave DeWitt is a food historian and one of the foremost authorities in the world on chile peppers, spices, and spicy foods.

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