Hot News April 1 2020

In Hot News by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

In times like the COVID-19 pandemic, you see the best and worst in people. From great acts of charity to hoarding supplies, humanity is all over the place during a cluster like this. The hot sauce and barbecue industries have seen their share of stepping up during this time. And in this week’s Hot News, we have a little of that to share with you (and what you can do to help them).

Support Your Local Sauceror
With this Coronavirus pandemic came oodles of hysteria. Translation: bad times breed bad economics. Hot sauce makers have been hit as hard as everyone else and they’re having all kinds of specials and sales right now. If you haven’t stocked up, this is a good time to remedy that. Even if you have, do your favorite purveyor of spicy goodness a favor and pick up a few extra bottles to have on hand. So head over to their website and hook them up.

Socks’ Love Barbecue Owner Steps Up in Time of Need
Steven Hartsock owns Socks’ Love Barbecue in Cumming, Georgia and when the virus hit, he stepped up big time to feed the hungry. He did so by offering free meals to hungry people so they won’t starve, even going so far as getting the meals to those who couldn’t get out his restaurant. You can see his heartfelt video about it on the restaurant’s Facebook page.

Barbeque Pulled Pork Sandwich
How Smokey John’s Attacks Adversity
Smokey John’s barbecue restaurant faced one of any restaurant owner’s greatest fears in 2017: burning down in a fire. So when the pandemic sent the economy into a tailspin, their resourcefulness kicked in and they adapted their business strategy to combat the 50% loss in revenue brought on by people staying at home and catering falling to a standstill. In the story linked above, you can find out what they’ve done to survive.

As we find out more of the positive during this hard time, we’ll be happy to share it with you. If you have chile pepper or barbecue news you’d like us to feature, message us and let us know.

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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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