mrs renfro's carolina reaper

Mrs Renfro’s Carolina Reaper Salsa Review

In Product Reviews by Mark MaskerLeave a Comment

Mrs Renfro’s Carolina Reaper Salsa doesn’t care about your little feelings. It tastes great, it’s got great color, it smells real good, but it doesn’t give crap one about how you feel after its heat hits you.
mrs renfro's carolina reaper
The burn, the red glowy feel to your ugly mug, the fear turning to elation, none of it. So put on your grown up pants and handle it. This salsa’s too busy tasting good and being pro-level spicy to even think about how you feel, muffin.
mrs renfro's carolina reaper
Seriously, this salsa ain’t for bitches. It’s for people who appreciate great flavor in a salsa along with a very strong heat that fades from your tongue but lingers on your mouth. The salsa’s Carolina Reapers instill fear and test all comers brave enough to consume them while brown sugar gives it some sweet and chipotle brings smokiness into the mix. Beyond that, jalapeño, anch, and guajillo chiles also make their presence known.
I really enjoyed Mrs Renfro’s Carolina Reaper Salsa and I’m making it my go-to for when I want something with real heat to it. As for testing it out, I mixed a bit of it (that’s all you need) into a smoked chicken breakfast hash. It not only added a real good kick on the end of each bite, it brought a wonderful blend of Southwestern flavor to it.

carolina reaper chicken hash
Smoked Chicken Carolina Reaper Hash
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2 people
2 people
carolina reaper chicken hash
Smoked Chicken Carolina Reaper Hash
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2 people
2 people
Servings: people
  1. Melt the butter in a small pan over medium heat. While it's melting, mix the chicken with the potato and salsa
  2. Fry the mixture in the butter until the potato turns golden brown, about 8-10 minutes. Halfway through, start the eggs in a separate pan in just a little bit of butter to keep them from sticking.
  3. Flip the eggs once the whites are solid and sprinkle each with the cheese. Cover and let the cheese melt (3-4 minutes).
  4. Plate the hash mixture, top with the eggs, pepper to taste, and get chowin!'
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Managing Editor | Mark is a freelance journalist based out of Los Angeles. He’s our Do-It-Yourself specialist, and happily agrees to try pretty much every twisted project we come up with.

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